A note from recipe creator and Belcampo Ambassador, Amanda Haas:

After listening to Katie Couric’s recent interview with Dr. Hyman, I was eager to read his new book “The Pegan Diet.” As a cookbook author who focuses on anti-inflammatory cooking, I was eager to learn even more about the effects of certain foods on my body. And in order to do so, I needed to “level up” by eliminating certain foods to see how I felt.

As a professional cook, I love creating recipes that are free of the ingredients that tend to make us feel bad. Instead, my motto is “I cook food that is so delicious, you don’t even know it’s good for you!” While following the Pegan diet, I focused on using Belcampo beef and chicken, wild salmon, and tons of vegetables. The results? I felt better than I have in ages, with increased energy, less joint pain, and reduced brain fog! The added benefit? I developed some of my favorite recipes ever and they are all pegan-friendly.

I’ll continue to eat this way for the most part, as it gave me the knowledge I needed to understand which foods make me feel great, and which ones don’t.