Soil Is Life

We’re building soil that’ll help us build a better tomorrow

Soil Is Life

We’ll come right out and say it: Climate change is real. Full stop.

And at Belcampo, we’re working hard to build our business in a way that is part of the solution. A big part of that work comes in how we take care of the soil on our farm—all 27,000 acres! That’s because healthy soil actually removes carbon from the environment and goes a long way to reversing—not just stopping—global warming. This means that when you choose Belcampo meat, you’re doing good for your health, for the health of animals, and for the health of the planet.

What is regenerative agriculture?

(We might be biased, but we think it’s pretty cool.)

Wondering what all the hype is about regenerative agriculture?

Regenerative agriculture goes beyond Organic, not only avoiding the use of harmful chemicals, but actually building and improving the soil and its potential to sustain life.

We’ll be honest here: we didn’t invent it. In fact, it’s been around forever. It’s the way things used to be done (and we think, the way they should still be done).

At Belcampo, we use practices like rotational grazing, nourishing cover crops, and mobile animal shelters to amend and build the soil on our farm – and the good news is in: the level of carbon in our soil is on the rise!

The Soil Carbon Coalition

The Soil Carbon Coalition tested our soils in 2013 and again in 2019 to confirm that our practices have increased the amount of carbon sequestered in the dirt on our farm (keeping it out of the atmosphere where it doesn’t belong).

Try this at home!There are some practical—and even easy—things you can do in your home or yard to trap some of the carbon and keep it from clogging up the atmosphere.

  • - Compost your fruit & vegetable kitchen scraps
  • - Use dried grass clippings to mulch your garden
  • - Plant perennials

Want to dig deeper?

This short documentary film, “A Regenerative Secret,” dives into the differences between degenerative and regenerative practices, and this exciting path forward.

“Regenerative farming practices help build healthy topsoil, which in turn help productivity of our fields, increase water infiltration and capture carbon in the soil. At Belcampo, our regenerative practices include what we choose to plant as cover crops, how we rotate those crops, and how we manage the grazing of our animals.”

James Rickert, Belcampo Farm Director

Regenerative agriculture is farming and grazing animals in a way that rebuilds soil’s natural organic matter, helping to restore soil biodiversity (the healthy organisms that live in soil and do everything from facilitating water uptake to acting as a natural antibiotic to plant roots), combat erosion, and draw damaging CO2 from the atmosphere to sequester it in the ground where it belongs.