• Belcampo has completed its investigation into product sourcing. The results concluded that all packaged meat products sold directly to consumers through eCommerce or to grocery stores were sourced from the Belcampo approved supply network (which includes our farm and carefully vetted partner farms with their own third-party certifications). We verified that undisclosed external sourcing of meat products was limited to our Restaurant and Butcher Shop channels. Those sourcing issues were predominantly concentrated at the Santa Monica location. Overall, externally sourced meats which did not meet Belcampo quality standards represented <6% of the total value of all meats procured from the beginning of 2020 to the end of May 2021. For our full statement and to see our action plan, visit belcampo.com/response. To request a refund visit belcampo.com/refund.

  • You may cancel your subscription at any time prior to the order processing date by logging into your account profile or by emailing [email protected]. You will receive a reminder email 3 days prior to the date your order processes. If cancellation occurs on or after the date the order is processed, the cancellation request will be processed for the next scheduled invoice. You are responsible for all charges including any applicable taxes and other charges incurred with respect to any order processed prior to the cancellation of your subscription.

  • You can manage upcoming orders and pause or skip deliveries at any time. Simply log into your account at Belcampo.com to make these changes.

  • On the day your upcoming subscription order is processed.

  • Unfortunately not at this time, but we promise this option is coming soon!

  • Our customer service team is always happy to help! Shoot us an email at [email protected].

  • We ship throughout the U.S. (excluding Alaska and Hawaii).

  • Please check the tracking number that should have been emailed to you by fedex. If you don’t see it please email [email protected]

  • Please email [email protected] with the correct address. Note if you order has shipped the address can’t be changed to the new address

  • The total of your order needs to be above $99, this includes the total after you use a coupon. Typically, your order will show free shipping at check out but when you use a coupon it brings you below the $99. If you feel there is an error email [email protected]

  • Please email [email protected] and let us know what was missing

  • Clear your cookies and cache and refresh the page and try again if it doesn’t work email [email protected]

  • If the product is cold to the touch (+below 40 degrees F) the product is safe to eat

    • The Belcampo shipping boxes are fully recyclable and adhere to the SFI (sustainable forestry initiative) standards.
    • Liners are made with PET fiber (post consumer plastic) and are curbside recyclable.

  • You can’t use more then 1 coupon per order. You also can’t use a coupon on an on-sale item

  • No, once the order is place neither you or Belcampo can add to a order

  • At Belcampo Farms and Belcampo Butchery, we employ low-stress animal handling practices for our animals, which include cattle, lamb, swine, chicken, and turkey. We work hard to provide our animals with the happiest life on our farm. We’re there when they’re born, with them every day on pasture, and make sure that they are handled in the most compassionate way when they transition to our processing facility.

  • Our breed mix includes Angus, Hereford, and Wagyu. Our cattle have been selected for their ability to thrive on a grass diet. We keep calves and cows together for the first 8 to 10 months of the calf’s life, letting the pairs enjoy their days grazing, roaming, resting, and playing. Our beef is certified organic and is harvested at 24-30 months of age (compared to 18-19 months in conventional operations), which gives it a richer flavor and better marbling.

  • Yes. Our chickens are free-range and grow at a slower, more natural pace compared to conventionally raised chickens. This gives them the opportunity to develop a superior flavor. In addition to our meat birds, we raise a wide variety of layer breeds that produce multi-colored eggs—full flavored with vibrant orange yolks—year round.

  • We raise our chickens as naturally as possible. We use a certified organic feed, and our chickens have unlimited access to pasture, fresh air and sunshine. Our pastures are a diverse mix of perennial grasses and clovers and we rotate our animals frequently to ensure a healthy and balanced ecosystem. The supplemental feed our hens receive does contain a mix of grains that includes corn and soy.

  • Our pigs are a cross of Berkshire, Duroc, and Chester White breeds that we choose specifically to produce meat that’s rich in flavor, fat, and color. The swine forage on the pastures and forested hillsides of the farm. These habitats provide ideal natural environments for pigs. Since our pigs can explore and forage the diverse local landscape, our pork offers a true taste of the Mt. Shasta Valley terroir.

  • The quality, taste, and flavor of Belcampo meat are directly tied to what our animals eat. At Belcampo Farms, we grow a diverse range of grasses and grains. Our animals graze on this natural pasture, expressing their natural herd behavior, and consume the vitamins and minerals of the land. We rotate our animals on a daily basis, based on how many animals we have and when and where the plants are in the growth cycle. We almost never come back to a property until the plants have collected their energy and have regrown. The diversity of species we graze on pasture also helps to create a full-circle ecosystem, which provides the best food for our animals.

  • We do everything we can to cultivate deeper, healthier, and more sustainable soils. At Belcampo Farms, soil is one of the most important resources, second only to water. We grow diverse plants, mimicking the natural environment. This helps to create a full-circle ecosystem that regenerates on its own. By growing a diverse range of grasses, grains, and legumes, we ensure our animals have the vitamins and minerals they need and have a healthy place to roam.

  • Certifications matter and are important in protecting your health and safety. That’s why Belcampo out-certifies everyone in the business. Belcampo Farms and Belcampo Butchery are certified by California Certified Organic Farmers (CCOF) and Certified Humane. All meat processed at Belcampo Butchery is also USDA inspected.

  • Yes! We host weekend events through the spring, summer and fall. The best to find our calendar of events is here. Another way to experience the Farm is by booking through HipCamp. Our HipCamp listing is here.

  • Meat Camp connects you with stunning nature and organic food, all raised on our farm. The curriculum filled weekend starts on a Friday afternoon and ends on Sunday morning. Lessons include basic butchery, wood-fire grilling, and recipes to inspire you to cook in a way that is rudimentary and genius all at the same time. See our current list of events here.

  • All of our beef is grass-fed and finished and the vast majority is CCOF Certified Organic, however, you’ll see some products that aren’t Certified organic. A small amount of beef in our program may not have a Certified Organic status for one of a few reasons:

    1. Partner Farms: As our program grows and we work to increase the impact of our mission, some of the beef we offer comes from our growing network of partner farms. These farms are all carefully vetted for consistency with our standards, values, and a commitment to producing meat for the wellbeing of people, planet and animals. All partner farms are Certified Humane and have organic practices; however, some are still in the process of achieving certification or can’t achieve the certification because they lease government land. We assist these farmers in bringing their products to market.
    2. Therapeutic Antibiotics: on rare occasion, one of our animals may require antibiotics. We always attempt to monitor and treat with organic methods first, however, the health and well-being our animals is our top priority, and if we must treat with antibiotics, the animal loses its Organic certification.
    3. Growing our Herds: On very rare occasions, an animal may come to our program as breeding stock and in that case is not eligible for Certified Organic status, although they’re cared for with the same high standards as all of our other cattle, live on our organic pastures, and so on.

    We have a meticulous system in place to track which products from the butchery end up on your plate – so if a product on our website or in our shops says that it’s Organic, you can rest assured that is the case! We stand by the quality and integrity of all of our products and are always happy to answer questions about our program.

    If you’re shopping on our site, you can look for “Organic” in the product details.