The Climate-Positive Burger

One Burger = 28lbs Sequestered Carbon*

Putting carbon back into the ground is one of the best ways we can reduce our environmental impact and help reverse the effects of climate change. When you eat a Belcampo Climate-Positive Burger, you are helping pull 28lbs of carbon (CO2e) out of the atmosphere and putting it back into the soil.* This is equal to removing the emissions of a typical passenger car driving approximately 32 miles!

*For each 8 oz. burger patty.

How Do We Do It?
We Practice Regenerative Agriculture:

Minimal Tillage

Prevents erosion and builds soil structure (pigs also make great natural tillers!)

Reduce Run-Off

Keeping residue on the soil traps moisture and keeps the soil cool

Graze Animals

Having animals rotating on the soil adds nutrients and naturally works the land

Add More, Take Less

These methods add carbon back into the soil, reducing our impact on climate change

Want To Try A
Climate-Positive Burger?